on Thursday 2 April 2015
In my first of articles for the year running 2015, I would want to attempt an explanation of what   the word of God is.

To avoid the complications and the difficulties most of us encounter on our way to demystify the mysteries of the word, I have decided to simply tackle this all important theme from two distinct points of view, which are; what and why of the word.

Defining  What:  What of everything is its defining principle. The word simply, but controversially, is not just what is spoken or written; but what one makes of what is written or spoken.  The word is HIS word. It is not the word of any man.

·         Bread of Life- John 6: 27, 35, 48, 51

·         It is the very instruction of God- Genesis 1:2; talking of instruction, it is to be identified that a man’s words are what he stands for and what is okayed as an accepted way of life.

 Therefore in every household there should be a father. The father with the aim of keeping the harmony of his household intact has a prescribed way by which every member of the family must live by. 

This is similar with our eternal father. He has an instructive way and the Christian life is guided by it. This is his instruction onto us, and it can only be made known unto us by his word.

·         The word is the spirit and breath (life) of God- Genesis 2:7, John 6:63. No man born of Christ is able to live without the word. And any man without the word is absolutely dead. The word helps us grasp the very concept of God the spirit.

·         The word is the second person of the Trinity ( Jesus)- John 1:1

·         The power and authority of God- Luke 7:2-7

·         The yardstick of accountability and Judgement.

·         The word is our salvation… John 14:6

·         It is the standard measure of the power and authority a Christian life controls

·         The word is the will and intent of God
The Psalmist Amy Grant succinctly puts it; thy word is a light onto my path and a lamp onto my feet…
It is not enough our knowledge of the word, but the reason for the knowledge. This leads us to answer certain question about why we need the word of God.

Our reason for food is not food itself but, what food can afford us (Matthew 4:4). Therefore, our why for the word is not the word, but what the word is able to achieve for our lives.
·         The word is life- John 6:63

·         The word is Practice- Revelation 1:3, James…

·         It is our weaponry as Soldiers of the Kingdom and Gospel- Ephesians 6:10-16 ( The armour of God)

·         It is the steadfast of our life

·         It is the form and shape of our life- Genesis 1:2

·         Foundation of our life- 1st Corinthians 3:11

·         It’s our faith builder- Romans 10:17

·         To help forestall the famine of the word in the world- Amos 8:11, Luke 5

·         Because you are a leader and must lead. If you are a leader, but is not leading, then it is because you lack what it takes to lead, the word.

·         You need it for an approval- 2nd Timothy 2: 14-15

                                                   WHO then is this WORD?

Revelation 19: 13 “He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God…”

He is the one who have trodden the winepress alone (Isaiah 63: 3-4), and from the people, no one was with him, though His very garment has been stained by our sins.

The Word is Jesus Christ.