BREAKING NEWS: Jesus baptised at the 10th Iron sharpeneth iron Conference

on Thursday, 31 July 2014
Wonders indeed shall never end...the bible times John baptising the saviour Jesus Christ has miraculously taken placed at the 10th iron sharpeneth iron conference; an annual even by the Light House Chapel International.

The details are in the write up below.

... before a fall comes pride; humility begets honour...(Proverbs 18: 12)
Arch-Bishop anoints Dag-Heward Mills

In-mid January this year, I happened to lead a team of Young Christ enthusiasts; and executives of the Campus Christian Family (CCF- GIJ chapter) to the Sheepfold Ministry, Spintex Road Accra.
The visit was purposely in-line with the leadership goal of the family to on a periodic ground, visit and fellowship with a chosen church; per as agreed on by the family’s executive team.

The maiden visit was very great and worth attending in my opinion.
“The one thing I took with me on that visit is to remember where Grace took me. And remain humble”
Overseer Bishop Titi Ofie stressed the need for humility, and the adverse effect of the opposite of it; pride.

The epic summon summarised is, remember where grace found you and remain humble. For before a man’s fall comes pride, but humility begets honour.

The message, almost three months on; has been explicitly and practically exemplified by two great ministers of the gospel in the annals of our nation. These Ministers are, Arch Bishop Duncan Williams and Dag-Heward Mills both of Action Chapel International and Light-House Chapel International respectively.
Posted/ shared on the facebook page of Dag-Heward Mills are photos of the Arch-Bishop anointing he; Heward Mills at the underway 10th Iron sharpeneth iron conference- (Proverbs 27:19).

It is not the picture that strikes my attention, but the calibre of persons and the level of humility being exemplified by them. It is such an awesome sight for one’s viewership.

 “They have done what only Jesus can do, and have far convinced me that, if we believe and trust in Jesus, we shall do exceeding above what he Jesus did on earth.”

“The sight was really a modern day graphical presentation of the Biblical John the Baptist, baptising the saviour Jesus”

No wonder the extent at which their Ministerial callings having experienced the global recognition.

The morals I have personally mopped is, if only up and coming ministers shall  let go their ego’s and learn from those w ahead of them in the ministry, the proverbial sky shall be the limit for them.
secondly, up and coming ministers have to reason that, seeking counsel is a receipe for achievement of any kind.

The solution to the numerous defunct ministers at their foundation stage is the pictures shared below.

Thanks for reading and endeavour to share. Iron indeed sharpeneth iron.

Pictures courtesy Dag-Heward Mills’ facebook account

Leadership 360

on Wednesday, 30 July 2014

There are lots of lay definitions given when it comes to the topic (Leadership).  Attempts to touch the nucleus of leadership have proven futile in my opinion with the lay, secularized definitions. But some 2000 years ago, a personality transverse the surface of the earth whose life-style and the mode of operations, has touched even beyond the prefect Leadership.  This man is Jesus Christ. He was the precise and concise of the definition. Jesus Christ was a leadership 360.

This short article which would be a series, gives you an emphatic definitions of leadership based on the persona of JESUS CHRIST, and his works on earth. 

 He not only epitomizes leadership, but equally has become unto us a standard.
In John 14:6; he defined leadership as the WAY, TRUTH and THE LIFE.
Leadership as the WAY, he by nature emphasized is the path-way/ direction for the led to follow. And in the absence of leadership there is no way/direction.

Leadership is the life-wire to the survival of any group/ organization. Without leadership; the group is dead, and the only way by getting to the live-wire is telling the TRUTH.
John 14:6; crowns leadership as the only way to meeting the goals and aspirations of a group/ organization, without leadership; there is no other way.
“No one gets to the father, except through me”

In John 10:11; Christ defines leadership as DEATH. By death, I don’t mean physical death. It is about foregoing every personal eccentric pleasure for the welfare of the group/ organization led.
Forgo the partying, the sleep and whatever and channel all ones strength into the group’s survival.

In John 10: 14; leadership is being sensitive to the plight of your follower-ship.
The word is Jesus Christ per the description given us by John 1:1. Therefore, if the word which is Jesus Christ is light, and we are focusing on Jesus Christ leadership, then, leadership is supposed to be the light.

If darkness is not able to comprehend the light, leadership (light) is supposed to triumph all troubles of darkness.

Psalm 119: 105; leadership is supposed to be the light that shines, and lightens the path of darkness of its followers.Follower-ship presumably are faced with a lot of challenges which are the darkness. Therefore, Leadership is to be the light the brightens all these darkness.

Finally, leadership is everything that the follower-ship suffers. Whether the followers succeed or fail, it is dependent on the leadership. John 1:3.