on Saturday 3 May 2014
The end justifies the MEANS (The life lived). Ecclesiastes says, better is ones day of death than birth. The moral lesson here forth is, every mystery surrounding our core existence as a people will be demystified…only at death.

Death is a transaction into a period of accountability for any hitherto lived life, whether approvingly or disapprovingly.  
The picture painted of death by Solomon in Ecclesiastes is a joyful journey. Why, probably in his opinion because it marks the end to man’s numerous chases after the wind. The struggle, successes, dejections, disappointments, sleeplessness times and the lots shall all cease.
But I differ strongly with the opinion of the day of death being better than one’s day of birth.
Death which is an end to man’s existence on earth; but, a beginning to justifying and accounting for our means of living can both be sweet, or bitter. If the means is justified in synchrony with the creator’s will… then death is better than the day of birth. Because a justified life is the only requirement that can warrant any soul a befitting place in HIS kingdom. The reversed can’t be ignored.
Means defined: How a result is obtained or an end is achieved. Life on earth is very much result oriented. Everyone is fighting to achieve a certain end. This matters not; however, our means to achieving such ends. Whether godly or not, the means will justify the end.
Note: No man can achieve a good end through an unjustifiable means. If the means to achieving an end is bad, the end cannot be said to be good.
In the mathematical world, to arrive at an answer there are certain procedures one must follow. A student interestingly might arrive at the right answer, but if the means (Procedure) to arriving at the answer is wrong. The answer in itself though correct is wrong. THINK ABOUT IT!
Every live is marked with numerous aspirations. We all seem to chase after an end (The mansions, luxurious cars, the fame, power… and the life of extravagance).
Every end is “a gift of God”. (Ecclesiastes 5:18-19). These gifts are preserved for those who walk in his path. Even as man as we are, “if it’s time to farm out our prepared gifts, we scrutinize among the multitude keenly, find people who have lived a pleasing life onto us and honour them with such gifts; how much more God! 
The perfect END is Ecclesiastes 12:13…”Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter (END): Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

Thanks for reading, equally endeavour to share.
